One gift of this time inside, is a chance to go deep inside. My belief about mental health, is that we have the potential to change our state of being as we wish. Sometimes we get locked in thought patterns, fears and familiar emotions. No one is immune to this roller coaster. Left to my own ‘natural’ devices I found myself defaulting unconsciously to ‘what if this or that’ over the last few days. I reminded myself of my own teachings about mastering my state of being, dropped into a deep meditation and emerged with this inspiration to share.

This audio recording: Reduce Your Anxiety, is a blend of hypnosis, energy work and healing. I hope it brings you to another place. A place of self ?, self connection, calm and reassurance. Music by www.bensound.com.


My heart feels so expanded in this time. I find myself wanting to check in with and care for everyone I love so dear. My clients, my friends, my family and the world. Let’s all share the gifts we have with one another. At this moment in time, my son is recording original guitar music, my partner is building planter boxes to grow vegetables in the garage and our puppy is staring out the window. Sending these images to you. What gifts can you share? What are the gifts that others are sharing around you?

I am offering tele-medicine Video sessions through state of the art HIPAA compliant software. I am also offering EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing on Video. Book a session here: https://valtate.com/

Posted in

Valerie Tate

Reader Interactions


      • Natalie says

        What an incredible way to start my day, I am feeling soft. trusting alert and ready to create a beautiful day. Valerie, You voice , so firm , clear, soothing and embracing. Thank you for this gift

  1. Anne Lehmkuhl says

    Val thank you so much for posting this. I did the meditation this morning and it was just what I needed. I feel so blessed to have a connection with you to guide and support me through life.

    • Valerie Tate says

      Anne! My heart just got bigger reading your comment. So good to feel connected to you from afar and I am equally grateful for you in my life.

  2. Nicole Olivier says

    Thank you so much, Valerie. And I send you extra blessings as you deal with your family matter. How wonderful that you know the tools that help in times like these! I am so grateful for you. (:

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