Fear or Love? Fear takes up all the space that love is trying to fill. Love is an ocean. Full of possibility and waves. Fear begs for a magician who can alter what is. Love is the rain streaming down our windows. Tiny deep breaths that tell us to rest. Fear is a lawyer gathering … read more
I have always been an optimist. My favorite concept is: How To Find Joy Beyond Your Circumstances. So in perfect order, I found myself wrestling, like many of us, between fear of the worldwide virus and faith in taking good precautions and trusting the rest. I am choosing joyful activities and looking forward to them. … read more
@ AGE 19 MY LIFE CHANGED FOREVER It’s been over 27 years since I left my body and came back. This is the first time I am writing about my Near Death Experience, often referred to as an NDE. Phenomenologically, many NDE’rs do not share about it until years later, yet the details of the … read more
Music Therapy in Every Day Life
Music is a gift to our souls. At any moment of time, our experiences can be enhanced, documented, memorialized and experienced through music! And there are songs which bring a particular joy to our step. I call them my happy songs. Whenever I am feeling excited or thrilled about something I love listening to the … read more
Key Steps to Using Intuition in Every Day Life
You Were Born Intuitive Have you ever thought of someone and a few minutes later they call you? Have you had a dream that then comes into reality? Have you had a body sensation when you first met someone that repels you and you don’t know why? Have you ever just known which choice to … read more
How Breakups Destroy & Wake Up Your Life
Break-ups hurt whether you decided to leave or you’re the one left in the dust. No one gets out unscathed. The truth is that attachments run deep no matter which role was played, and eventually everyone has to do the work to clean things up and move forward. The 5 most common thoughts after break-ups … read more
The Bright Side of Responsibility
Why is it as adults, that when we talk about being responsible, the mood drops? And why over 50% of the population avoids things like home ownership or having children for the mere fact of being concerned over the ‘responsibility’ of it? How has responsibility has become such a dirty word? We tend to polarize … read more
Keep Your ‘Self’ in Parenting
Let’s put it simply. SO MUCH HAPPENS when we become parents. We are handed this new job called ‘Responsibility on Every Level’ with no training wheels. We all used to be children, so shouldn’t we know what to do? It is our job to keep our kids alive, stimulate them in all the right ways … read more
Revolutionize Your Relationship
“Everything can be taken from a man (person) but the last of the great human freedoms is the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” – Victor Frankel After nearly 20 years as a Psychotherapist, I have seen and helped hundreds of couples. There are some universal themes and issues that … read more
How to Co-Parent Peacefully After a Divorce
Originally published on Psyched SF We have heard it too many times. The decision for couples with kids to break up happens, and the shit hits the fan. Wars over money, time with the kids, new partners, and parenting styles go from 0 to 60, and the ones who suffer most are the kids. Our … read more
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