I have always been an optimist. My favorite concept is: How To Find Joy Beyond Your Circumstances. So in perfect order, I found myself wrestling, like many of us, between fear of the worldwide virus and faith in taking good precautions and trusting the rest. I am choosing joyful activities and looking forward to them. You can do these with yourself or your Pod of family and friends. I am sharing them with you:


  1. Plant a bulb flower and watch it grow.
  2. Write your own song about your life or emotions. If you are musical, put it to music or give it to a musician to create a backing track.
  3. Ask yourself a question with your dominant hand and answer it with your non-dominant hand (handwriting will be awkward). Keep a dialogue going back and forth and see what comes out.
  4. Order this butterfly kit and watch caterpillars turn to cocoons and cocoons hatch to butterflies. Release them and something you want to release in your life along with them. https://www.insectlore.com/
  5. DIY Face Mask: Boil milk in a pan and dissolve gelatin powder in it. Switch off the flame and mix glycerine in it. Put gel on your face, leave it for 5 minutes, and then add the second layer of the mask. Let it dry completely, then gently peel off the mask in an upward direction and finally wash your face with cold water.
  6. Listen to Into the Mystic by Van Morrison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syIUmrSJWAU
  7. Start writing that book you’re always thinking about starting. https://goinswriter.com/tips-writing-book/
  8. Make a playlist for cleaning your house. Clean your refrigerator. Organize your kitchen cupboards. Sort out that cluttered medicine cabinet. Sort out your closet.
  9. Open a book on your shelf you haven’t read. Or read one again.
  10. Start meditating and use this code for 30 days free on the Calm App: calm.com/calmhealthtrial 
  11. Play card games with yourself or your Pod: Solitaire, Gin Rummy, Poker, Hearts, Spoons.
  12. Make card houses on the carpet like the good old days.
  13. Make a time capsule. Grab some items that represent your life in present time, write a journal entry. Tuck it away in a special spot.
  14. Create a heart box. Take a cardboard box of any kind and decorate it with paint, markers, beads, glitter, glue or collage it with magazine pictures or quotes. Cut up tiny slips of paper and write wishes or dreams on them to put in the box. Fill it up and read them any time. Do it with a friend.
  15. Have a video chat with one or more loved ones and play songs for each other or read together. 
  16. Look up a complex recipe and cook for yourself or your Pod.
  17. Teach yourself a musical instrument with Youtube videos
  18. Do a messy drawing: Grab your markers or colored pencils and draw a picture with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and look for recognizable shapes or images in the drawing. Enhance those with your materials.
  19. Do a Mood Drawing: Draw another picture with your eyes open but just draw shapes and movements with your materials to create an abstract drawing of your current mood. Let your hands choose the colors. 
  20. Make a vision board collage with intentions for your next year.
  21. Listen to Sweet Home Alabama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5BuYf8q4o
  22. DIY Bubble Bath: Mix water with castille and glycerin or coconut oil. Add 4-5 drops of your choice of essential oil. Mix well. Pour your bubble bath into the container. It should keep for quite a while. Fill bathtub with water and pour in a couple of ounces of bubble bath. Take a deep breath and soak.
  23. DIY Bath Bomb: https://www.byrdie.com/basic-bath-bomb-recipe-346761
  24. DIY Moisturizer: 1/2 cup shea butter (4 oz) 2 TB nourishing oil such as: jojoba, avocado, apricot, sweet almond oil, or grapeseed oil. 10 drops lavender essential oil optional* 5 drops rosemary essential oil optional* 3 drops carrot seed essential oil optional* 3 drops tea tree essential oil optional*
  25. Start and online book group with 4-6 friends.
  26. Learn to knit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONVQCK_-rKc
  27. Yoga Online: https://glo.com/
  28. Digital Detox: turn off all devices for 2 hours and explore what you gravitate to. 
  29. Write a handwritten letter and send it.
  30. Give yourself or someone in your Pod a manicure and/or pedicure.
  31. Give someone in your Pod a hand or foot massage.
  32. Painting Class for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oNsMva04MM
  33. Make a playlist for someone you love or your current mood. 
  34. Build a fort or a nest with blankets and put snacks, a fun game or a book inside. Invite a friend or pet inside.
  35. Take a nap.
  36. Make a playlist to encapsulate every decade of your life. Share it with someone.
  37. Write a love letter to someone you miss.
  38. Create a self-love list.
  39. Ask your friends for a podcast recommendation. Listen to something outside of your normal interests. 
  40. Update your resume and personal bio with a self-loving lens.
  41. Research dream careers and companies.
  42. Watch a documentary.
  43. Rearrange your furniture or redecorate your living space.
  44. Write a tribute to someone who has impacted your life and send it to them.
  45. Buy yourself your favorite toy online ie. a lego set.
  46. Work on a project you’ve never had time for.
  47. Mentor someone on the phone or FaceTime who could use your help.
  48. Do sit ups and pushups to music.
  49. Send someone a care package.
  50. Do a puzzle. Here’s a link to an artist friend’s puzzles: http://cinemagoat.com/
  51. Take an online course.
  52. Ask your 10 year old self what movie he/she wants to watch. Get cozy and watch it.
  53. Create a scavenger hunt.
  54. Collect rocks and paint them.
  55. Create a toothpick tower with tiny marshmallows.
  56. Bake something fabulous.
  57. DIY Elderberry Tincture: Elderberry is supportive to the immune system. Order dried elderberries online and put in a mason jar. Order some inexpensive vodka and pour over the elderberries 2 inches beyond the mixture. Close with a lid and gently shake daily for 2 weeks. If the liquid all absorbs, pour more vodka 2 inches higher. After two weeks, use a cheesecloth to strain and put in a dropper bottle. Take 3 droppers full per day in a water bottle or in concentrate. 
  58. Write a poem about someone you love.
  59. Transformation Game: Order the transformation game and play with your Pod or encourage a friend to buy it as well and play online together: https://www.amazon.com/Transformation-Game-Innerlinks/dp/0880793805/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=transformation+game&qid=1583613851&sr=8-1
  60. Angel Cards: Order some angel cards and pick them when you’re in the mood: https://www.amazon.com/Angel-Cards-Original-Kathy-Tyler/dp/0934245525/

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